
In the 15th and 16th centuries, around 2,000 barges a year sailed along the Stecknitz Canal, bringing 20,000 to 30,000 tons of salt to Lübeck every year.

Salt herrings were the most important food during Lent, which lasted 1/3 of the year. The church had declared that fish was not meat. The Baltic herrings reached Munich in salt barrels.

However, this number of salt transportations was reduced to 160 barges with around 6,000 tons of salt per year in the 17th century. This was because the salting of herrings with cheaper Baien salt from the Atlantic coast took considerable market share away from Lüneburg Trave salt. The Stecknitz drivers and salt masters therefore increasingly turned to other trade goods.

At the end of the 18th century, there were still 64 ships carrying around 680 tons of salt per year. Lüneburg salt was transported on the Stecknitz Canal until the end of the 19th century, when it was replaced by the Elbe-Lübeck Canal.

There are still many reminders of salt in Lüneburg today. For example, there is the “Pralüne”, a chocolatey salt praline creation with a sow head. There are also salt and licorice pastilles and salt liquorice fish, known as Lüneburg salt stints.

Of course, you can also visit the salt museum here to find out more about the history of salt.

Salt works Lüneburg

Salt works Lüneburg


You have managed to settle the Sate War with Duke Heinrich and finally complete the Stecknitz Canal, which is so important for the salt trade!

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